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Day 38: Rabbit

Rabbits eat cecotropes (aka cecal pellets). It's a special kind of poop, which is the result from fermentation of food in a part of the digestive system called the 'cecum.' They are rich in nutrients and are passed through the body, like feces, however they are re-ingested by the animal so the nutrients can be absorbed. Cecotropes have twice the protein and half of the fiber of regular poop. These special poops also contains high levels of vitamin K and B vitamins. To make the poop special muscles contract in the colon; the nutrient-rich portion of the food is moved back into the cecum, a sac-like structure between the small intestine and colon. This food remains in the cecum, where it is broken down by special bacteria into absorbable nutrients. The rabbit then poops it out and eats it. Without this process, many of the nutrients in the food would be lost. It is healthy for rabbits to eat the cecal pellets to get their nutrients.

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