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Day 27: Tarsier

Tarsiers have the largest eyes relative to body size of any mammal. Each eyeball is around 16 millimeter in diameter, which is as large as the tarsier's entire brain. Their eyes are so large that they can't rotate them, so they have a neck that can turn 180 degrees in either direction. They wait silently for prey to approach, rather than moving around to hunt. They are the only carnivorous primate. They can eat insects, reptiles, birds and bats. Tarsiers get their name from their extraordinarily elongated tarsus bones in their feet. Their fingers are extra long to help grasp tree branches. There are three types of tarsier: eastern tarsier, western tarsier and Philippine tarsier. Within these. there are about 18 species. They can be found in Asian are are disappearing from their remaining habitates. All of the species of tarsier are vulunterable to extinction due to habitat loss and fragmentation.

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