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Day 18: Glass Lizard

Glass lizards are long, slender, legless lizards and there are several different species. The image above is the slender glass lizard. Glass lizards differ from snakes, though, in that they have moveable eyelids, external ear openings, and inflexible jaws. As its name implies, the slender glass lizard generally slimmer than the eastern glass lizard, although both species are generally brown or yellowish in coloration. This species is best distinguished from other glass lizards by the presence of dark markings below the lateral groove, although these markings may become obscured in older individuals. Many specimens also have a dark stripe down the center of the back. Slender glass lizards can be found in the eastern half of the United States. Slender glass lizards tend to prefer drier habitats than eastern glass lizards and are common in old field and sandhill habitats. Glass lizards eat a wide variety of insects, spiders, and other invertebrates as well as small reptiles and probably young rodents. Unlike snakes, lizards have rigid jaw bones and thus are unable to eat meals larger than the size of their head. Glass lizards earned their name by their propensity to "shatter" by breaking their tail, this practice is called autotomy. This allows the lizard to get away as the predator is left with the tail.

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