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Day 12: Slow Loris

Slow lorises are found in different parts of Southeast Asia. Slow lorises are arboreal primates that move quadrupedally between branches. They are nocturnal and omnivorous, feeding on plant matter and insects. These guys are the only venomous primates, although it's controversial if it is truly venomous or not since it does not have direct access to its venom. The venom from Nycticebus coucang comes from the brachial glands on its arms. As a slow loris is grooming itself, the venom from this gland gets into a unique structure in their mouths called a tooth comb. The tooth comb is used for grooming. It is unclear whether or not the slow loris bites with its toxin to scare a predator or attacker off or if it is to incapacitate the attacker so it can get away. The venom contains about 200 volatile components to it and the structure of the venom is not yet known. The venom emits disgusting and nauseating smells from both the toothcomb in the mouth and directly from the brachial glands. The strong smelling substance is usually released in times of stress.

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